I told my mom, tonight I’ll go out, I’ll go see the sunset, the sea, the clouds, the trees and the rocks.
I arrived at the beach and I felt the wet sand under my feet, the sand was cold but the wind was hot, it was soft and passing between my hair. I really loved it. But then the wind became stronger and stronger, it pushed me away, but I stay! I want to see the sun.
I am in the nature but the nature pushes me away. But me, I’m not afraid. I’m gonna see. There are no waves in the ocean, there is only the quiet. There is red, green, brown and grey, all the colour is reunited here, tonight, for this magic, the magic of the sun, the magic of life. A magic we could see everyday, but not everybody has the chance to see, with their eyes. People doesn’t see, the see only what they want to see. And I am sorry for them, that they can’t see, this magnificent nature around us. I’m really sorry nature, that it has to end like this between us, it’s not over yet, but almost.
The sun sets and I say farewell sun, farewell for today.